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Flutter developer

№14148543, 4 июня 2024
Город: За границей
Образование: Не имеет значение
Опыт работы: От 1 года
Зарплата: От 30 000 До 50 000 MDL
График: Полный день
Место работы: Удалённо
Принимаем и людей с инвалидностью
Готовы трудоустроить беженцев
We’re looking for an expert or a small team of developers who can develop a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices with Flutter.

Project details
Bookly is a WordPress plugin for online scheduling and managing staff appointments (https://wordpress.org/plugins/bookly-responsive-appointment-booking-tool/).

We have already developed an MVP version of a mobile application that complements the web version of Bookly.

The current MVP version of the mobile application implements basic features. An employee uses an access token to log into the application and can view and edit their appointments, as well as view a list of clients. The application receives all data from the server; for this, there is an API for communication between the application and the server.

We are looking for an expert who can continue developing the mobile application, bringing its functionality closer to what is available in the web version. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of Flutter and experience building complex mobile UIs.
Срок размещения вакансии истёк или кандидат был найден. Смотреть активные вакансии в рубрике IT, Программирование
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