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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social, asistent social

Актуализировано: 9 февраля 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Руководитель учебного центра

Актуализировано: 8 февраля 2016


Компания по оснащению салонов красоты - находится в поиске Руководителя Учебного Центра Компания предоставляет: - Официальное трудоустройство - Социальный пакет - График работы: 5 дней в неделю, с 9.00 до 18.00 - Офис в центре города - Профессиональный рост и обучение Требования к соискателям: Обяза...

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Profesor prescolar

Актуализировано: 4 февраля 2016


Angajam profesori prescolari

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social

Актуализировано: 4 февраля 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Преподаватель английского языка для взрослых и детей Вы хорошо знаете английский язык, легко общаетесь с англоговорящими людьми и хотите поделиться Вашими знаниями с другими? Вам небезразличен смысл и результат вашей деятельности? Вы любите людей и хотите помочь им действительно выучить английский я...

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social

Актуализировано: 29 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Profesor engleza

Актуализировано: 26 января 2016


cautam profesor de engleza pentru a preda la grupe de profesori universitari

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social

Актуализировано: 26 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Profesor de limba engleza

Актуализировано: 25 января 2016

Colegiul Internaţional de Admi...

- predarea orelor in grupele romine; - punctualitate si responsabilitate.

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Profesor de limba engleza

Актуализировано: 25 января 2016

Colegiul Internaţional de Admi...

- predarea orelor in grupele romine; - punctualitate si responsabilitate.

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Profesor de limba engleza

Актуализировано: 19 января 2016

Colegiul Internaţional de Admi...

- punctualitate si responsabilitate; - predarea orelor in grupele romine.

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social, asistent social

Актуализировано: 15 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social

Актуализировано: 14 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Dre...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Преподаватель английского языка

Актуализировано: 11 января 2016

skyeng.ru он-лайн школа англ...

Skyeng.ru он-лайн школа английского языка Готова сотрудничать с преподавателями английского языка, русскоязычными преподавателями Опыт большую роль не играет, методисты нашей школы научат как работать с платформой ( преподаватель преподают по скайпу по специальной образовательной платформе) Главное ...

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social, asistent social

Актуализировано: 11 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social, asistent social

Актуализировано: 4 января 2016

Directia pentru Protectia Drep...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 31 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 31 декабря 2015

Development Aid

Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skills. Competencies:...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 30 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 29 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 29 декабря 2015

Development Aid

Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skills. Competencies:...

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Pedagog organizator/ pedagog social, asistent social

Актуализировано: 29 декабря 2015

Directia pentru protectia copi...

Condiţiile de participare la concurs: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Să cunoască limba de stat; Capacitatea deplină de exerciţiu; Fără antecedente penale; Să nu depăşească limita vârstei de pensionare; Studii: superioare în domeniu Cunoaşterea ...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 28 декабря 2015

Development Aid

Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skills. Competencies:...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 28 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 28 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Profesor de biologie, fizica, chimie si informatica

Актуализировано: 28 декабря 2015

Colegiul international de Admi...

- studii superioare finisate; - responsabilitate si punctualitate.

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Profesor de chimie, fizica, biologie si contabilitate

Актуализировано: 27 декабря 2015

Colegiul International de Admi...

- studii superioare complete; - punctualitate si responsabilitate.

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Profesor de fizica, chimie, biologie si contabilitate

Актуализировано: 25 декабря 2015

Colegiul International de Admi...

- studii superioare finisate; - punctualitate si responsabilitate.

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 24 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Profesor de llimba engleza

Актуализировано: 24 декабря 2015

WELCOME School of English

Centrul de studiere a limbii engleze, WELCOME School of English, cauta colaboratori cu aptitudini foarte bune in limba engleza care sa predea limba engleza atit copiilor cit si adultilor. Oferim un mediu de lucru agreabil si o posibiliate de crestere prefesionala pentru tinerii specialisti; material...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 23 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Актуализировано: 23 декабря 2015

Asociația Obștească ”OIKUMENA”

Asociația Obștească OIKUMENA angajează consultant individual pentru elaborarea unui Ghid de Iniţiere în SIG pentru ONG-urile de Mediu în cadrul proiectului: “Îmbunătățirea performanței sistemelor de informare în domeniul mediului în Republica Moldova pentru conformitatea cu standardele europene” fin...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 22 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 21 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Вы хорошо знаете английский язык, легко общаетесь с англоговорящими людьми и хотите поделиться Вашими знаниями с другими? Вам небезразличен смысл и результат вашей деятельности? Вы любите людей и хотите помочь им действительно выучить английский язык и начать разговаривать на нем? Вы можете продемон...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 18 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 17 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 15 декабря 2015

Development Aid

Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skills. Competencies:...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 14 декабря 2015

Development Aid

Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skills. Competencies:...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 11 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Тренер по йоге

Актуализировано: 10 декабря 2015

Спорт клуб

по часовая оплата

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 10 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 9 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 8 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Актуализировано: 7 декабря 2015

Centrul de zi de dezvoltare şi...

Corectarea tulburarilor de vorbire,.Lucru cu copii cu Autism, Down, Retard in dezvoltare.

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 4 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 3 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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Profesor de limba rusa

Актуализировано: 3 декабря 2015

Persoana fizica

Buna ziua. Caut profesoara Sau dadaca , nativ Russa, In perioada de 29 décembre Pina la 6 ianuarie , pentru fetitza mea de 4 Ani. 50 lei / ora , cité 5 ore pe zi + deplasare la domiciliu ( va achitam transportul)

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English teacher

Актуализировано: 2 декабря 2015


English Teacher Location: Chisinau Job type: full time (minimum 25 hours per week, standard working hours) Availability: 5 days a week, flexible The role DevelopmentAid is currently seeking for an English Teacher. Main duties refer to providing lessons to employees of all levels, testing their skill...

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English teachers

Актуализировано: 1 декабря 2015

American Language Center - Bui...

American Language Center Advanced (Buiucani) is looking for bright, creative and energetic English teachers. We offer excellent working conditions, professional development and a competitive pay rate. As we teach both General English and English for Specific Purposes, we are interested in regular te...

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