998 вакансий

Все вакансии

Conducator autocamion

Актуализировано: 9 дней назад


- Permis de conducere categoria B,C - Experienta de lucru minim 2 ani; - Posedarea certificatului de competență, permisiunilor internaționale; - Responsabilitate, seriozitate, punctualitate; - Disponibilitatea efectuarii deplasarilor peste hotarte;

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Актуализировано: 9 дней назад

14 000 MDL

Cerințe: - Comunicare fluentă în limba Romînă și Rusă; - Permis de conducere categoria B,C; - Punctualitate, perseverență, atitudine pozitivă; - Abilitate de lucru cu documente de transport; - Experiență de conducere. Condiții de muncă: - Angajare oficială; - Lucru stabil într-un colectiv tînăr și a...

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Менеджер по работе с клиентами

Актуализировано: 9 дней назад

Trauck tenders

Требуется сотрудник на перспективную высокооплачиваемую должность. Менеджер – логист по международным грузоперевозкам. В обязанности входит организация грузоперевозок и решение клиентских запросов. Требования: - уверенное владение ПК, - коммуникабельность. Оформление официальное, график 5/2 Без опыт...

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Administrator autoservice

Актуализировано: 9 дней назад

От 8 000 До 12 000 MDL

Sevice auto autorizat este în căutare unui specialist pentru polisarea, curatare chimica,aplicare pelicula, izolare fonică,alarme și echipamente suplimentare de electronica auto. Termeni: - angajare oficială, pachet social complet -serviciu modern, volume constante de munca uniforme - furnizarea de ...

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Autoelectric la sevice autorizat

Актуализировано: 9 дней назад

От 10 000 До 30 000 MDL

Service auto autorizat este în căutare unui specialist pentru instalarea sistemelor audio,multimedia izolare fonică,alarme și echipamente suplimentare de electronica auto: Termeni: - angajare oficială, pachet social complet -serviciu modern, volume constante de munca uniforme - furnizarea de salopet...

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Safety support specialist logbook eld weekend night

Дата создания: 12 дней назад

600 USD

Descrierea poziției vacante ARCTIC LOGISTICS SRL este în căutarea unui Logbook Specialist ELD cu experiență medie. Candidatul trebuie să fie pregătit să lucreze full-time în Chișinău, Telecentru. Specialistul în logbook ELD va juca un rol crucial în administrarea și gestionarea componentelor de conf...

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Safety support specialist logbook eld weekend morning

Дата создания: 12 дней назад

450 USD

Descrierea poziției vacante ARCTIC LOGISTICS este în căutarea unui Logbook Specialist ELD cu experiență medie. Candidatul trebuie să fie pregătit să lucreze full-time în Chișinău, Telecentru. Specialistul în logbook ELD va juca un rol crucial în administrarea și gestionarea componentelor de conformi...

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Safety support specialist logbook ELD

Дата создания: 12 дней назад

От 1 000 До 1 400 USD

Descrierea poziției vacante ARCTIC LOGISTICS SRL este în căutarea unui Logbook Specialist ELD cu experiență medie. Candidatul trebuie să fie pregătit să lucreze full-time în Chișinău, Telecentru. Specialistul în logbook ELD va juca un rol crucial în administrarea și gestionarea componentelor de conf...

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Дата создания: 14 дней назад

VVS Dispatch
От 1 500 До 4 000 USD

Требования к кандидату: - Опыт работы диспетчером в сфере Car Hauling (автовозы) по США от 1 года (обязательно). - Понимание специфики работы с автовозами, терминалами и маршрутами. - Опыт работы с Load Boards (Central Dispatch, Super Dispatch, Ready Logistics, RPM, CarsArrive). - Навыки переговоров...

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Актуализировано: 14 дней назад

Truck One
От 35 000 До 80 000 MDL

This posting is for Van / Reefer dispatcher with experience. WE are an US Asset Based Carrier. Need a strong dispatcher to dispatch 3-5 trucks in today's market. Qualified candidate will perform the following duties: -Look for best loads on the market - Develop broker-carrier relations - Dispatch dr...

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Дата создания: 14 дней назад

От 1 000 До 4 000 USD

Position: Dispatcher (Dry Van & Flatbed Specialist) Location: Remote / Flexible We are a young and dynamic logistics company, seeking a motivated, experienced dispatcher with deep expertise in Dry Van and/or Flatbed markets. If you're someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment and enjoys taking...

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Менеджер в транспортрую компанию

Актуализировано: 14 дней назад

Well Played SRL
От 500 До 2 000 USD

Обязанности: - Привлечение новых клиентов по телефону: (дилеры, частные лица, компании). - Предложение услуг по перевозке автомобилей, заключение сделок. - Поддержание долгосрочных отношений с клиентами. - Ведение данных о клиентах в CRM-системе. Требования: - Желательно иметь опыт в сфере диспетчин...

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Автоэлектрик в Германии

Дата создания: 14 дней назад

SW Transporte GmbH
За границей
2 500 EUR

Привет! Мы – немецкая транспортная компания SW Transporte GmbH. Мы занимаемся грузоперевозками и логистикой по Евросоюзу уже более 15 лет. Сейчас мы активно расширяем свой автопарк и в связи с этим, мы открываем новую вакансию автоэлектрика. Среди наших преимуществ легальная работа в Германии, помощ...

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Hotshot dispatcher

Актуализировано: 14 дней назад

От 1 000 До 3 000 USD

Hi, Guys! Looking for a new challenge in logistics? Join our team as a Hotshot Dispatcher, where you’ll play a key role in ensuring timely, efficient, and reliable transportation of freight. Whether you prefer working with a fixed income or earning a percentage of the gross, we’ve got a compensation...

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Автослесарь под выгодные условия, срочно

Актуализировано: 15 дней назад

Todotrade SRL
15 000 MDL

Автослесарь в автосервис ПРЕДОСТАВЛЯЕМ: - Полный социальный пакет с первого дня работы; - Процент от работы - 55% мастеру - Комфортные условия работы; - График работы: Полный день - современный автосервис

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Maintenance operator with experience - 1500$ salary

Дата создания: 16 дней назад

От 1 300 До 1 600 USD

Job Purpose: The main mission of the Maintenance Operator is to ensure the smooth operation of the truck fleet through preventive and corrective maintenance interventions, ensuring that the vehicles are in optimal condition to support transportation and delivery operations. This role will monitor th...

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Logbook assistant

Актуализировано: 16 дней назад

От 900 До 1 000 USD

We are looking for logbook specialist for night shift in our team Monday-Friday 11pm-8am, work from office. Logbook experience is a must, preferably candidates working with ELD4 and Magic.

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Safety specialist

Актуализировано: 17 дней назад

1 300 USD

At GT HUB, we are committed to ensuring the highest safety standards in the trucking industry. We are looking for a dedicated Safety Specialist to join our team and help maintain and enhance our safety protocols. - Develop and implement safety policies and procedures - Conduct regular safety audits ...

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Дата создания: 18 дней назад

От 1 000 До 3 000 USD

Требования: - Знание английского языка; - Опыт работы обязателен; - Ответственность, исполнительность, умение работать в режиме многозадачности; - Входящие, исходящие звонки, ведение деловой переписки, консультирование клиентов компании; - Ведение сопутствующей документации; - Умение работать в кома...

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Dispecer transport international de marfa

Актуализировано: 18 дней назад


Cerinte catre candidat: - Studii superioare, experienta in domeniul dat nu mai puțin de 2 ani, cunoastrea la perfecție a limbilor rusa, romana și engleză, utilizator increzut PC. - Nivel sporit de comunicare si negociere. - Calitati organizatorice: responsabilitate, rezistenta la stress, punctualita...

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Lăcătuș pentru vulcanizarea și montarea anvelopelor

Актуализировано: 18 дней назад

S.C. „Trans Ager” S.R.L.

Cerințe față de candidat: - Executarea operativă și calitativă a lucrărilor, - responsabilitate, - capacitate de lucru în echipă. Condiții de muncă: - Oferim angajare oficială, - pachet social integral, - salariu lunar flexibil, - acordat la timp, care este determinat în mărime de 60% din volumul lu...

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Lăcătuș pentru repararea autoturismelor și montarea anvelopelor

Актуализировано: 18 дней назад

S.C. „Trans Ager” S.R.L.

Cerințe față de candidat: Executarea operativă și calitativă a lucrărilor de reparație, responsabilitate, capacitate de lucru în echipă. Condiții de muncă: Oferim angajare oficială, pachet social integral, salariu atractiv acordat la timp

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Lăcătuș auto pentru reparația autocamioanelor

Актуализировано: 18 дней назад

S.C. „Trans Ager” S.R.L.

- executarea operativă și calitativă a lucrărilor de reparație; - responsabilitate; - capacitate de lucru în echipă; - experiența de lucru va fi un avantaj condiții de muncă: - pachet social integral; - salariu atractiv acordat la timp; - tichete de masă; - angajare oficială din prima zi de lucru Pe...

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Curier / курьер

Актуализировано: 19 дней назад

Moon Flowers
10 000 MDL

Требуется курьер для доставки букетов цветов/подарков. Автомобиль предоставляет фирма. Требования: - Ответственность; - Пунктуальность; - Знание Румынского и Русского языков Присылайте ваше CV нам (фото обязательно) на почту, viber/whatsapp/telegram - - - - - - - - Cerințe: - Resposansabilitate; - P...

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Актуализировано: 20 дней назад

От 15 000 До 20 000 MDL

Стаж работы не менее 2 лет

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Актуализировано: 20 дней назад

От 500 До 1 000 USD

Транспортно-экспедиционный холдинг RCI — это крупная логистическая компания, предоставляющая комплексные услуги по перевозке и экспедированию грузов по всему миру. Она объединяет специализированные дочерние компании, которые управляют морскими, воздушными, автомобильными и железнодорожными перевозка...

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Logistics specialist (from $1000+ per month)

Актуализировано: 21 день назад

VA Logistics
От 500 До 3 600 USD

VA Logistics is a strong and energetic team of top specialists in their field, providing logistics services for the American transportation market. Our office is located right in the heart of Chisinau. As a Logistics Specialist, you'll oversee the smooth operation of our supply chain, ensuring timel...

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Back office support

Актуализировано: 21 день назад

VA Logistics
От 500 До 1 000 USD

VA Logistics is a strong and energetic team of top specialists in their field, providing logistics services for the American transportation market. Our office is located right in the heart of Chisinau. We offer: - Competitive salary starting from $500-$1000 - Official employment - Our own training p...

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Declarant vamal / Таможенный декларант

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Gradalogistic S.R.L.

Функциональные обязанности: - заполнение и подача таможенных декларации; - использование товарной номенклатуры, соблюдение таможенного законодательства; - взаимодействие и представление имиджа компании в таможенных органах. Требования к соискателям: - опыт в работе таможенным декларантом минимум 1 г...

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Box truck dispatcher for the american company

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Roadtex Logistics
От 10 000 До 30 000 MDL

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communic...

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Dispatch with box truck experience

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Hero Logitsics
От 10 000 До 15 000 MDL

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicato...

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English speaking dispatch in US company

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Hero Logistics
От 10 000 До 15 000 MDL

Hero Logistic company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our support dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatch have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excelle...

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Trucking dispatcher without experience (1000$-3000$)

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Drive IT
15 000 MDL

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. We are looking for a reliable Support Dispatcher to act as ...

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Truck english speaking dispatcher

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

От 15 000 До 30 000 MDL

The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicator and able to remain calm and composed, especially in a fast paced environment. We Offer: - Salary start ...

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Dispatch in trucking company (700-3500$)

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Hero Logistics
От 700 До 3 500 USD

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. We are looking for a reliable Dispatcher to act as a commun...

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Box truck dispatch in US company

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Roadtex Logistics
От 10 000 До 30 000 MDL

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communic...

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Box truck dispatch (3%)

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Hero Logistics
От 500 До 2 500 USD

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicato...

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Box truck dispatch in USA company

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

От 15 000 До 30 000 MDL

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with no experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communic...

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English speaking expert in logistic company

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Hero Logistics

Hero Logistic company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our support dispatch team with NO experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatch have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. We are looking for a reliable Dispatcher to act ...

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Box truck dispatch (3% from gross)

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Roadtex logistics
От 500 До 2 500 USD

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicato...

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Trucking dispatch

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

От 1 500 До 3 500 USD

We are hiring an experienced trucking dispatcher for Flatbed/Stepdeck/RGN/Reefer/Van/Hotshot Are you a skilled trucking dispatcher looking for a new opportunity? Join our team at and be part of a dynamic and growing company in the transportation industry. Job Description: - Booking loads - Coordinat...

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Instructor auto

Актуализировано: 22 дня назад

Master Class SRL
От 18 000 До 23 000 MDL

Școala Auto Master Class anunță deschiderea poziției de Instructor auto în cadrul echipei noastre. Dacă sunteți o persoană pasionată de conducerea responsabilă și doriți să contribuiți la formarea viitorilor șoferi, vă așteptăm să vă alăturați echipei noastre. Ce oferim: - Cele mai bune condiții de ...

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Box truck dispatch (3% from gross)

Актуализировано: 23 дня назад

Hero Logistics
От 600 До 3 000 USD

American company, is looking for responsible ambitious people to join our dispatch team with experience. The primary responsibilities of the dispatcher have to efficiently manage multiple drivers at a time and fix problems as they arise. The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicato...

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Автоэлектрик в Германию

Дата создания: 23 дня назад

SW Transporte GmbH
За границей
2 500 EUR

Привет! Мы – немецкая транспортная компания SW Transporte GmbH. Мы занимаемся грузоперевозками и логистикой по Евросоюзу уже более 15 лет. Сейчас мы активно расширяем свой автопарк и в связи с этим, мы открываем новую вакансию автоэлектрика. Среди наших преимуществ работа с европейцами, помощь в тру...

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Стаж работы от пяти лет. Стаж работы в качестве автослесаря не менее 2х лет.

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Specialist in domeniul vamuirii (broker)

Актуализировано: 24 дня назад

Politrans Broker SRL

Compania Politrans Broker SRL angajeaza specialist în domeniul vămuirii pentru Chișinău, POST Vamal - Industrială. Responsabilitățile includ pregătirea și procesarea documentației vamale și gestionarea relației cu autoritățile vamale. Cerințe: - minim 2 ani experiență, - cunoștințe de legislație vam...

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Dispatcher freight

Актуализировано: 26 дней назад

Active Box

Suntem în căutarea unui dispatcher Freight entuziast cu cel puțin un an de experiență pentru a se alătura echipei noastre dintr-un spațiu nou, confortabil, în centru orașului Chișinău. Dacă dorești să te alături unei echipe tinere și prietenoase, și să lucrezi cu clienți din SUA, aceasta este o opor...

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After hours maintenance road service specialist

Актуализировано: 26 дней назад

CRC Transport
От 1 000 До 1 500 USD

USA Car Hauling Trucking Company, CRC Transport, is currently looking for an Afterhours Dispatcher for Road Service Assistance. If you are responsible, organized, customer oriented, able to multitask and solve problems in an efficient manner you are welcome to our team. Requirements: - Advanced leve...

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студия свадебного декора

Навыки и желание работать руками, пунктуальность,ответственность,умение работать в команде,творческий подход Наличие буса или большегрузного авто

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Sofer autobuz

Актуализировано: 26 дней назад

SRL ”Parcul de Autobuze şi Tax...

Cautam sofer pe autobuz pentru transportul persoanelor in incinta raionului Briceni (din or. Briceni in satele apropiate). Cerinte: - detinere permis de conducere cu categoria necesara, - experienta de lucru. Calitati necesare: - seriozitate, - punctualitate, - amabilitate, - onestitate. CV-ul putet...

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